Source code for geni.rspec.vtsmanifest

# Copyright (c) 2014-2016  Barnstormer Softworks, Ltd.

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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from __future__ import absolute_import

import os

from lxml import etree as ET

import geni.namespaces as GNS
from .pgmanifest import ManifestSvcLogin

XPNS = {'g' :,
        'v' : "",
        's' : ""}

class UnhandledPortTypeError(Exception):
  def __init__ (self, typ):
    super(UnhandledPortTypeError, self).__init__()
    self.typ = typ
  def __str__ (self):
    return "Port type '%s' isn't supported by port builder.  Perhaps you should contribute some code?" % (self.typ)

class GenericPort(object):
  def __init__ (self, typ):
    self.client_id = None
    self.type = typ

  def _fromdom (cls, elem):
    p = GenericPort(elem.get("type"))
    p.client_id = elem.get("client_id")
    return p

  def name (self):
    # Assumes that the client_id is in the format "dp_name:port_name"
    if self.client_id.count(":") == 1:
      return self.client_id[self.client_id.index(":")+1:]
    return None
    ### TODO: Raise an exception here

  def dpname (self):
    if self.client_id.count(":") == 1:
      return self.client_id.split(":")[0]
    return None
    ### TODO: Raise an exception here

class InternalContainerPort(GenericPort):
  class NoMACAddressError(Exception):
    def __init__ (self, cid):
      super(InternalContainerPort.NoMACAddressError, self).__init__()
      self._cid = cid
    def __str__ (self):
      return "Port with client_id %s does not have MAC address." % (self._cid)

  def __init__ (self):
    super(InternalContainerPort, self).__init__("internal")
    self.remote_client_id = None
    self._macaddress = None
    self._alias = None

  def macaddress (self):
    if not self._macaddress:
      raise InternalContainerPort.NoMACAddressError(self.client_id)
      return self._macaddress

  def macaddress (self, val):
    self._macaddress = val

  def name (self):
    return self._alias

  def _fromdom (cls, elem):
    p = InternalContainerPort()
    p.client_id = elem.get("client_id")
    p.remote_client_id = elem.get("remote-clientid")
    p.macaddress = elem.get("mac-address")
    p._alias = elem.get("name")

    return p

  def remote_dpname (self):
    if self.remote_client_id.count(":") == 1:
      return self.remote_client_id.split(":")[0]
    return None
    ### TODO: Raise an exception here

class InternalPort(GenericPort):
  def __init__ (self):
    super(InternalPort, self).__init__("internal")
    self.remote_client_id = None

  def _fromdom (cls, elem):
    p = InternalPort()
    p.client_id = elem.get("client_id")
    p.remote_client_id = elem.get("remote-clientid")

    return p

  def remote_dpname (self):
    if self.remote_client_id.count(":") == 1:
      return self.remote_client_id.split(":")[0]
    return None
    ### TODO: Raise an exception here

class GREPort(GenericPort):
  def __init__ (self):
    super(GREPort, self).__init__("gre")
    self.circuit_plane = None
    self.local_endpoint = None
    self.remote_endpoint = None

  def _fromdom (cls, elem):
    p = GREPort()
    p.client_id = elem.get("client_id")
    endpe = elem.xpath("v:endpoint", namespaces=XPNS)[0]
    p.circuit_plane = endpe.get("circuit-plane")
    p.local_endpoint = endpe.get("local")
    p.remote_endpoint = endpe.get("remote")
    return p

class PGLocalPort(GenericPort):
  def __init__ (self):
    super(PGLocalPort, self).__init__("pg-local")
    self.shared_vlan = None

  def _fromdom (cls, elem):
    p = PGLocalPort()
    p.client_id = elem.get("client_id")
    p.shared_vlan = elem.get("shared-lan")
    return p

class ManifestMount(object):
  def __init__ (self):
    self.type = None = None
    self.path = None
    self.volid = None

  def _fromdom (cls, elem):
    m = ManifestMount()
    m.type = elem.get("type")
    m.volid = elem.get("vol-id") = elem.get("name")
    m.path = elem.get("path")
    return m

class ManifestContainer(object):
  def __init__ (self):
    self.client_id = None
    self.image = None
    self.sliver_id = None
    self.logins = []
    self.ports = []
    self.mounts = []

  def name (self):
    return self.client_id

  def _fromdom (cls, elem):
    c = ManifestContainer()
    c.client_id = elem.get("client_id")
    c.image = elem.get("image")
    c.sliver_id = elem.get("sliver_id")

    logins = elem.xpath('g:services/g:login', namespaces = XPNS)
    for lelem in logins:
      l = ManifestSvcLogin._fromdom(lelem)

    ports = elem.xpath('v:port', namespaces = XPNS)
    for cport in ports:
      p = Manifest._buildPort(cport, True)

    mounts = elem.xpath('v:mount', namespaces = XPNS)
    for melem in mounts:
      m = ManifestMount._fromdom(melem)

    return c

class ManifestFunction(object):
  def __init__ (self, client_id):
    self.client_id = client_id

  def _fromdom (cls, elem):
    typ = elem.get("type")
    if typ == "sslvpn":
      f = SSLVPNFunction._fromdom(elem)
      return f

class ManifestDatapath(object):
  def __init__ (self):
    self.client_id = None
    self.image = None
    self.sliver_id = None
    self.ports = []
    self.mirror = None

  def _fromdom (cls, elem):
    # TODO: Add ports later
    dp = ManifestDatapath()
    dp.client_id = elem.get("client_id")
    dp.image = elem.get("image")
    dp.sliver_id = elem.get("sliver_id")

    mirror = elem.xpath('v:mirror', namespaces = XPNS)
    if mirror:
      dp.mirror = mirror[0].get("target")

    ports = elem.xpath('v:port', namespaces = XPNS)
    for port in ports:
      p = Manifest._buildPort(port)
    return dp

class SSLVPNFunction(ManifestFunction):
  def __init__ (self, client_id):
    super(SSLVPNFunction, self).__init__(client_id)
    self.tp_port = None
    self.local_ip = None
    self.key = None

  def _fromdom (cls,elem):
    vpn = SSLVPNFunction(elem.get('client_id'))
    vpn.tp_port = elem.get('tp-port')
    vpn.local_ip = elem.get('local-ip')
    vpn.key = elem.text
    return vpn

[docs]class Manifest(object): """Wrapper object for GENI XML manifest rspec, providing a pythonic API to the contained data""" def __init__ (self, path = None, xml = None): if path: self._xml = open(path, "r").read() elif xml: self._xml = xml self._root = ET.fromstring(self._xml) self._pid = os.getpid() self._info = {} def _populate_info (self): ielems = self._root.xpath('v:info', namespaces = XPNS) if ielems: self._info["host"] = ielems[0].get("host") self._info["slice"] = ielems[0].get("slice") @property def root (self): if os.getpid() != self._pid: self._root = ET.fromstring(self._xml) self._pid = os.getpid() return self._root @property def text (self): """String representation of original XML content, with added whitespace for easier reading""" return ET.tostring(self.root, pretty_print=True) @property def pg_circuits (self): """Iterator for allocated circuit names on the local PG circuit plane (as strings).""" elems = self._root.xpath("v:datapath/v:port[@shared-lan]", namespaces = XPNS) for elem in elems: yield elem.get("shared-lan") local_circuits = pg_circuits @property def ports (self): """Iterator for all datapath and container ports as subclasses of :py:class:`GenericPort` objects.""" for dp in self.datapaths: for p in dp.ports: yield p for c in self.containers: for p in c.ports: yield p @property def containers (self): """Iterator over all allocated containers as :py:class:`ManifestContainer` objects.""" elems = self._root.xpath("v:container", namespaces = XPNS) for elem in elems: yield ManifestContainer._fromdom(elem) @property def functions (self): """Iterator over all allocated functions as :py:class:`ManifestFunction` objects.""" elems = self._root.xpath("v:functions/v:function", namespaces = XPNS) for elem in elems: yield ManifestFunction._fromdom(elem) @property def datapaths (self): """Iterator over all allocated datapaths as :py:class:`ManifestDatapath` objects.""" elems = self._root.xpath("v:datapath", namespaces = XPNS) for elem in elems: yield ManifestDatapath._fromdom(elem) @property def host (self): if not self._info: self._populate_info() return self._info["host"] @property def slicename (self): if not self._info: self._populate_info() return self._info["slice"]
[docs] def findTarget (self, client_id): """Get the container or datapath representing the given `client_id` in the manifest. Args: client_id (str): Requested client ID of the object you want to find Returns: :py:class:`ManifestDatapath`, :py:class:`ManifestContainer`, or `None` """ dpelems = self._root.xpath("v:datapath[@client_id='%s']" % (client_id), namespaces = XPNS) if dpelems: return ManifestDatapath._fromdom(dpelems[0]) ctelems = self._root.xpath("v:container[@client_id='%s']" % (client_id), namespaces = XPNS) if ctelems: return ManifestContainer._fromdom(ctelems[0])
[docs] def findPort (self, client_id): """Get the datapath port object representing the given `client_id`. Args: client_id (str): client_id of the port you want to find Returns: :py:class:`GenericPort` or `None` """ pelems = self._root.xpath("v:datapath/v:port[@client_id='%s']" % (client_id), namespaces = XPNS) if pelems: return Manifest._buildPort(pelems[0])
@staticmethod def _buildPort (elem, container = False): t = elem.get("type") if t == "gre": return GREPort._fromdom(elem) elif t == "pg-local": return PGLocalPort._fromdom(elem) elif t == "vf-port": return GenericPort._fromdom(elem) elif t == "internal": if container: return InternalContainerPort._fromdom(elem) else: return InternalPort._fromdom(elem) raise UnhandledPortTypeError(t)
[docs] def write (self, path): """ .. deprecated:: 0.4 Use :py:meth:`geni.rspec.vtsmanifest.Manifest.writeXML` instead.""" import geni.warnings as GW import warnings warnings.warn("The Manifest.write() method is deprecated, please use Manifest.writeXML() instead", GW.GENILibDeprecationWarning, 2) self.writeXML(path)
[docs] def writeXML (self, path): """Write the XML representation of this manifest to the supplied path. Args: path (str): Path to output file """ f = open(path, "w+") f.write(ET.tostring(self.root, pretty_print=True)) f.close()